Friday, January 24, 2014

A lesson in generosity

Proverbs 11:24, 25

24  One gives generously and ends up with more;
Another withholds what should be given, but he comes to poverty.
25  The generous person will prosper,
And whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed
Yesterday I wrote about spending my clothing allowance on a gift for someone else. Today, I received a gift. A cardigan, something that had been on my list for a long time. And it fit all my requirements! Right color, correct length, perfect fit (which is so hard for me to find!)To top it off I came across the scripture quoted above. What a perfect gift from my Heavenly Father: a lesson in generosity.  I was really touched by this, and I want to keep being generous. It's not really one of my inborn qualities.  I tend to keep track of the cost of things, and budgets and such, and sometimes my mind comes to these things first before giving.  More than once I have sensed that I was 'withholding what should be given'. I don't want to be guilty of this anymore! There is much more happiness in giving. ;D Won't you resolve to be more generous with me?

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